As a Voluntary Controlled School, we are immensely proud to have such close links with St Giles' Parish Church in Wrexham. Our children highly benefit from this relationship that both enhances and enriches the experiences our children receive here at St. Giles' Primary School.
Throughout the year we are especially lucky to be able to visit the church as it is just a short 5 minute walk from our school. These visits provide the children with real-life opportunities to experience some of the areas of Christian life that they have learnt about at school. Aspects of Christianity that children learn about include...
Wedding service
Features of a church
Holy Communion
The Liturgical calendar and colours of the church year
We are extremely fortunate to be able to hold many of our services to celebrate festivals such as, Harvest, Christingle, Easter, and Christmas in the beautiful surroundings of the church – something that the children, staff, and parents alike always look forward to!
The Reverend of St Giles’ Church, Father Jason Bray, is also our Chair of Governors. The children enjoy and benefit from his regular visits where he leads whole school assemblies and excites the children with his excellent and exhilarating recital of Bible stories! As our Chair of Governors, Father Bray is very much involved in our school life and plays an active part in important decision making regarding our school, staff and children.
You can find out more information about St. Giles' Parish Church as well as information on events and church services, by visiting the website.
St Giles Parish Church, Wrexham (