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Additional Learning Needs


ALN Transformation


Additional Learning Needs; information for parents May 2021


What is an Additional Learning Need? (ALN)


The term Additional Learning Needs (ALN) and Additional Learning Provision is replacing Special Educational Needs (SEN) and Special Educational Provision. You might hear teachers and other professionals refer to your child's 'special educational needs' this means the same as additional learning needs.

The term 'additional learning needs' has a legal definition and refers to children and young people with learning, physical or sensory needs that make it harder for them to learn, than most children of the same age.

All children learn in different ways and at different rates. In every class in every school there will be pupils who progress at a slower rate than other children. Some may have been identified as having an additional learning need. 


  • Schoolwork - reading, writing, numeracy or understanding information
  • expressing themselves or understanding what others are saying
  • making friends or relating to others
  • behaving appropriately at school
  • medical, physical, or sensory needs, which may affect their progress at school.


Important Points


The way in which pupils' additional educational needs will be identified, assessed and met in Wales is changing.

The Additional Learning Needs and Educational Tribunal (Wales) Act (ALNET) will come into force from September 2021.


  • The term Additional Learning Need (ALN) will replace the term 'Special Educational Need'
  • The new system will cover learners from 0-25 years
  • Statements of special educational need will be replaced with an Individual Development Plan (IDP)
  • There will be an increased focus upon pupil involvement
  • There will be a new ALN Code 
  • There will be a right to appeal to the Education Tribunal

The new system will:

  • Ensure all learners with ALN are supported to overcome barriers to learning and can achieve their full potential
  • Improve the planning and delivery of support for learners from 0-25 years with ALN, placing an individual learner's needs, views, wishes and feelings at the centre
  • Focus upon early identification and putting timely and effective interventions in to place, which are monitored and adapted to ensure they deliver the best possible outcomes


Additional Learning Needs Coordinator (ALNCo)

All schools in Wales have to designate a person who has responsibility for coordinating provision for learners with ALN. That person is the Additional Learning Needs Coordinator (ALNCo).  However, all staff who work with children and young people with ALN have a responsibility for ensuring that their learners’ needs are identified and provided for.


The ALNCo is the individual who at a strategic level ensures the needs of all learners with ALN within the education setting are met. In addition to their overarching responsibility for co-ordinating Additional Learning Provision for pupils with ALN, the ALNCo is responsible for ensuring that all learners who have ALN across the education setting have an Individual Development Plan.

Some learners with ALN will need the support of external agencies and professionals. The ALNCo will liaise with these specialist services and when there is agreement to provide such services, ensure that these are secured.


At St Giles VC Church in Wales Primary School, Mrs Andrea Weeks is the ALNCo. Mrs Weeks alongside the Class Teacher will be your point of contact for discussions and progress reviews. Mrs Weeks is allocated specific time each week to carry out her duties as ALNCo. If you would like to meet or contact Mrs Weeks, please email the school at or call the office on 01978 318880.


Alternatively, please complete the contact form below. 

Further information regarding ALN at St Giles or to request a meeting with Mrs Weeks

If you require any further help or advice, or feel you need to request a meeting to discuss ALN at St Giles in relation to your child, please complete the form below.
